Report a Complaint
Do you want to report a Complaint?
Even with our low complaint rate of just 0.11%, issues can occasionally arise. When they do, we are dedicated to delivering the best service possible and resolving the problem promptly.
If you need to report a complaint, please follow the three steps below to ensure the quickest resolution time.
Report a complaint in 3 simple steps:
Complete the form
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have encountered. To help us resolve your complaint quickly, please complete the form below. This will ensure that all necessary information is included and speed up the process.
Alternatively, you can email us the offline version (PDF Download here) at , but note that this may slow down resolution.
Receive Ticket ID
After completing the form, we will send you a confirmation number (ticket ID) upon receipt, and our team will review it as soon as possible.
The provide ticket will serve as the identification number for this case. Please include this number (ticket ID) in all future correspondence - or just always reply to this email.
Receive feedback
Once we have reviewed the information and documentation, we will contact you to coordinate the next steps and determine the best solution. Our goal is to provide the most satisfying service, and we are commited to finding a resolution that meets the needs of both parties.